From the Rector: Thank You

I want to take a moment to thank so many of our parishioners for their gifts of generosity and time during the past few weeks. Many projects are happening at the church, and they have required much sweat and coordination from many of you.

  • New fencing has been installed at the corner of Herbert Street and Campbell Avenue, and the result has been a dramatic improvement of our curb appeal.
  • The fence between the playground and the parking lot has been refurbished and painted. This project was completed entirely by volunteers, and it was non-stop work, whether sanding or painting, for over a week. 
  • Soon the Lady Chapel Altar and the accompanying triptych will return to the church having been refurbished. Again, this has been made possible due to the generosity of parishioners. New carpet is being installed at the Lady Chapel altar, and the wall behind the altar has been plastered and is in the process of being painted. This has been the result of the generosity of parishioners, a huge gift in both money and time.
  • The wall fronting the rectory along Campbell Avenue has been painted due to parishioners donating their time. Thank you to those who coordinated the rebuilding of the wall due to last Lent's surprise collision. (In the middle of the night, about a week before Holy Week, a driver under the influence drove through the rectory wall leaving a truck on the rectory patio fronting Campbell Avenue.)
  • Last Saturday we had an excellent turn out for our first parish retreat work day. We began the day with mass, after which we thoroughly cleaned the church and parish hall. Everyone worked extremely hard. Mahalo to our parishioners who donated the lunch for the hungry volunteers. Several jobs were completed, and our summer cleaning was a great success.
  • Thank you to those who coordinated the weekday forum featuring Bob Sigall. The kupuna enjoyed the forum very much, and the brunch was delicious.
  • Mahalo to our Capital Campaign Ministry as they prepare for the next steps we must take as a parish. Stay tuned and please keep this group in your prayers.

Many thanks to each of you for your dedication.

Father Paul Lillie+